This app lets you quickly access Indian vehicle and driver's license information. Search vehicle registration details using the number plate or vehicle number.
Key Features:
RC Status & Vehicle Details: Scan a number plate to retrieve registration certificate (RC) details, including owner's name and address, vehicle model, insurance status, engine information, and fuel type.
Driving License Information: Find driving license details (including photo and address) using the license number and date of birth. Check for license expiration. Track the status of new license applications.
Vehicle Owner Information: Locate vehicle owner details using just the vehicle registration number.
Comprehensive RTO Data: Access all-India RTO registration details, including owner information. (गाडी के नंबर से पता कीजिये मालिक कौन है; आरटीओ वाहन इनफार्मेशन पाइये; How to get owner details from vehicle number)
Additional Information: Find engine number, vehicle model, and daily fuel prices for Indian cities. Access free Vahan registration details. (Gadi ke number se malik ka pata jane; Gadi ke malik ki jankari)
Important Disclaimer:
This app does not directly collaborate with any state RTO authority. All information is publicly available on the Parivahan website and is aggregated from the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India. The app acts as a convenient interface for accessing this data.
Tags : Auto & Vehicles