Flitter Inc. is a captivating interactive fiction game for Android that delves into the realms of social media, human autonomy, and the imminent end-game of humanity. Through tweet-like micro-texts, you act as a Content Reviewer for the micro-messaging platform, responsible for maintaining a friendly, respectful, and spam-free environment. Immerse yourself in the world's conversations, make critical decisions about the value of each voice, and play your part as a pivotal employee. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to shape the narrative of the game, download Flitter Inc. now!
Features of Flitter Inc.:
- Explore the ideas of social media and human agency through an interactive fiction experience.
- Engage in micro-texts reminiscent of tweets to unravel the story.
- Sign in to your terminal and uncover what the world is saying.
- Take on the role of a Content Reviewer to ensure a friendly, respectful, and spam-free environment.
- Make decisions that shape the fate of the world.
- Experience the thrill of a quickly-approaching end-game of the human race.
In conclusion, Flitter Inc. offers an engaging and thought-provoking interactive fiction experience that dives into the world of social media and human agency. With its tweet-like micro-texts, users get to sign in and uncover what the world is saying, while taking on the important role of a Content Reviewer. The game offers a unique opportunity to shape the fate of the world and experience the thrill of a rapidly approaching end-game. Click here to download and be a part of this captivating journey.
Tags : Role playing