本文涵盖了新闻、公告以及我们迄今为止所了解的有关 Nintendo Switch 2 的所有内容。请继续阅读以了解有关 Switch 2 的信息,包括传闻中的功能和规格,任天堂的公告等。
● 最新消息
● 传闻的规格和功能
● 可能推出的游戏
● 外围设备、设计和其他信息
● 新闻和公告
● 相关文章
最新Switch 2 新闻
⚫︎Switch 2 将通过赚得比黄牛更多的钱来击败黄牛购买
【⚫︎】任天堂 Switch 2 确认将于本财年发布,但尚未发布
【⚫︎】尽管 Switch 2 即将上市,但 Switch 销量仍然强劲
Switch 2概述
Release Date:
TBA; Announcement Coming Soon
TBA; Estimated at 9.99+
Switch 2 发布日期:待定,但即将发布公告
Switch 2 的存在最近才被确认由任天堂开发,因此 Switch 继任者的发布日期尚未确认或宣布。不过,任天堂总裁古川俊太郎表示,他们打算在本财年于 2025 年 3 月 31 日结束之前发布有关 Switch 2 的公告。
Switch 2 价格:可能会上涨 349.99 美元
Switch 2 是考虑到产品普遍价格上涨以及硬件显着增强的可能性,预计与现有 Switch 型号相比,其价格会更高。初代 Switch 的售价为 299.99 美元,而 Nintendo Switch OLED 的售价为 349.99 美元。
鉴于 Switch 2 预计会有大幅改进,我们预计 Switch 2 的零售价为 349.99 美元至 399.99 美元。
Switch 2 规格:与 PS4 / Xbox One 一样强大
Switch 2 可能会继续使用 Nvidia 的片上系统,这可能是 Switch 的下一代版本正如科技新闻媒体所暗示的那样,当前 Switch 中使用的是 Tegra X1 芯片。与此同时,其他人则表示新 Switch 可能会使用 Nvidia 的 T239 片上系统,据悉这将使 Switch 2 的功能与 PS4 和 Xbox One 一样强大。
此外,Switch 2 有望配备8英寸屏幕。这是伦敦独立咨询公司 Omdia 分析师 Hiroshi Hayase 的说法。此外,2022年,总部位于大阪的夏普公司声称,它正在供应液晶面板,并与任天堂就即将推出的游戏机密切合作,该游戏机当时正处于研发阶段。另一方面,最近的报告表明 Switch 2 将在发布时配备 OLED 显示屏。
Switch 2 传闻规格和功能
8-core Cortex-A78AE
Storage Capacity
Battery Life
9+ Hours
7-8 inch OLED screen, 120hz refresh rate
Larger, magnetically-attached Joy-Con controllers; Support for 4K; Backwards compatibility
Recent reports suggest that the Switch 2 will feature an 8-core Cortex-A78AE processor, 8GB of RAM, and 64GB of internal embedded Multi-Media Card (eMMC) storage, which would be a significant improvement in power compared to the current Switch models. The Switch 2's onboard storage is speculated to be around 512GB, a significant upgrade over the 32GB and 64GB available in the original Switch and Switch OLED models, respectively.
Additionally, the Switch 2 could offer significantly improved battery life, exceeding the current model's peak of 9 hours. The console will also likely feature 120 Hz refresh rate with a 7 or 8-inch OLED display. Various tech outlets report that Nintendo will likely stick with a system-on-a-chip from Nvidia, possibly a next-generation version of the Tegra X1 chip found in the current Switch. Meanwhile, others suggest that the Switch 2 could use Nvidia's T239 system-on-a-chip, which is understood to make the handheld console as powerful as the PS4 and Xbox One.
The Switch 2 is expected to be a hybrid system, capable of connecting to a television or being used as a portable device. There are also rumors of a co-processor chip that could be housed inside the Switch 2 to boost the console's power and video output when docked and connected to a 4K TV.
Switch 2 Games Possible at LaunchNo Announcements Yet, Switch Still Releasing New Titles in 2025

There is no verifiable information out there yet regarding Switch 2 games that are launching once Nintendo's newest handheld game console bursts into the scene. The second half of 2024 is still packed with new Switch titles set to come out, and the first quarter of 2025 already sees several upcoming Switch games including Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.
Given that we can expect Nintendo to make an announcement regarding the Switch 2 any time before the fiscal year ends on March 31, 2025, we expect some games releasing by then to either not be available on the console or launch on the Switch 2 platform at a later time. For more information on this year's upcoming video games, check out our article at the link below.