MythWalker is a geolocation RPG which puts classic fantasy into the real world
Navigate either using IRL movement, or tap-to-move while sitting at home
MythWalker is out now on iOS and Android
It seems like nowadays everyone's trying to walk. Whether that's for health or to save on gas money and bus fare, using your legs is a trendy thing to do. So it's no surprise that developers have been capitalising on that too, what with Niantic and their releases such as Monster Hunter Now. But if you're looking for something new, maybe today's subject MythWalker is more your (land)speed?
“但是”,您可能會說,“我不能或不會離開家定期玩這個遊戲,我怎麼能還在玩神話行者嗎?”幸運的是,開發者已經想到了這一點,你可以利用Portal Energy 和點擊行動功能,在舒適的家中暢遊MythWalker 世界。混搭你現實生活中的散步,但也不要錯過雨天玩耍!
但同時,自從 Pokémon Go 取得巨大成功以來,許多利用 AR 和地理定位的遊戲似乎都在努力取得類似的成功。這是否意味著神話行者將會失敗?不一定,但我不確定它會取得同樣的突出地位。但話又說回來,當今世界又能怎樣呢?