868-Hack, the cult-classic mobile release, is coming back
Or at least it hopes to, with a new crowdfunding campaign for sequel 868-Back
Experience the feel of hacking cyberpunk mainframes with this roguelike digital dungeoncrawler
Cyber warfare is one of those things that sounds cool on paper, but rarely lives up to the expectation. After all, you'd think everyone is like Angelina Jolie in Hackers, smoothly infiltrating a network while casually chatting philosophy and looking at what people in the 90s thought was the peak of cool, not someone pretending to be a "password inspector". But if you've always wanted to live the dream, a cult-classic mobile release is shaping up to have a sequel as 868-Hack now has a crowdfunding campaign for its successor, 868-Back.
描述 868-Hack 及其續集的最佳方式是,它是一款罕見的讓您感覺自己像黑客的遊戲。就像風靡一時的 PC 益智遊戲《Uplink》一樣,駭客的程式設計和密集的資訊戰讓人感覺簡單但充滿挑戰,這需要一門精湛的藝術。但正如我們在首次發佈時指出的那樣,868-Hack 提供的功能在前提下表現得相當好。
與原始 868-Hack 一樣,868-Back 可以讓您將 Progs 串在一起形成複雜的操作字串(就像現實生活中的程式一樣)。但這一次,你將有一個更大的世界可供探索,前衛隊經過重新混合和重新想像,還有新的獎勵、圖形和聲音。
儘管如此,我認為當我祝 Michael Brough 好運,帶來 868-Hack,868-Back!