Home Apps Tools Yapi Vpn
Yapi Vpn

Yapi Vpn

  • Platform:Android
  • Version:1
  • Size:9.00M
  • Developer:FRS.TECH

Protect your device and keep your online activities private with Yapi Vpn, the VPN app that enhances your internet speed while streaming, downloading, and even watching YouTube videos. Yapi Vpn uses a secure protocol-based direct connection, SSL INJECT HTTP WS, to ensure the safety of your data, whether you're connected through WiFi or using mobile data on 3G, 4G, or 5G. Experience faster and safer internet browsing with Yapi Vpn, the easy-to-use internet tunnel app.

Features of Yapi Vpn:

  • Enhanced Security: Yapi Vpn creates a secure connection to protect your device and keep your online activities private.
  • Versatile Connectivity: Yapi Vpn supports various internet connections, including WiFi, mobile data (3G, 4G, and 5G), ensuring your security regardless of your connection type.
  • Fast Online Activities: Yapi Vpn optimizes your internet connection for faster speeds when streaming, downloading, and watching YouTube videos.
  • Simplified User Experience: Yapi Vpn is designed with an easy-to-use interface, making internet tunneling seamless and hassle-free.
  • Added Protection: Yapi Vpn provides an extra layer of security for your online activities, keeping your confidential information safe from cyber threats.
  • Improved Overall Speed: Yapi Vpn enhances the speed and performance of all your online tasks, providing a faster and more enjoyable browsing experience.

Download Yapi Vpn now to enjoy a safer and faster internet browsing experience.

Tags : Tools

Yapi Vpn Screenshots
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 0
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 1
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 2
  • Yapi Vpn Screenshot 3
Reviews Post Comments
SecureSurf Apr 25,2024

Decent VPN, speeds are okay but could be faster. Sometimes connects slowly. Privacy features seem solid though. Overall, it's usable but not the best I've tried.

网络安全 Jan 31,2024


NetzwerkExperte Dec 16,2023

Langsame Verbindungszeiten und gelegentliche Verbindungsabbrüche. Die Privatsphäre-Funktionen scheinen in Ordnung zu sein, aber die Geschwindigkeit ist ein großes Problem.

CyberSec Aug 21,2023

Bon VPN, la vitesse est correcte mais pourrait être meilleure. La connexion est parfois lente. Cependant, les fonctionnalités de confidentialité semblent solides. Dans l'ensemble, c'est utilisable mais pas le meilleur que j'ai essayé.

Privacidad Dec 15,2022

La velocidad es un poco lenta a veces, pero la privacidad parece buena. No es la mejor VPN que he usado, pero funciona.