Experience "The Arc," a captivating visual novel from Games, where a miniature elven tribe's quiet backyard existence is upended by the arrival of a family of three women next door. Follow the tribe's sole merchant on a journey to a nearby village, unaware of the shocking truths awaiting discovery. Chapter 2 is in development, and you can support its creation through patronage.
The Arc features:
- Immersive Visual Novel Gameplay: A size-difference focused narrative with compelling characters and a deeply engaging plot.
- Collaborative Creation: Developed by Thaw and featuring art by VRSeverson, ensuring high-quality visuals and smooth gameplay.
- Compelling Narrative: Follow the elven tribe's challenges as their peaceful world is disrupted.
- Merchant's Journey: Play as the tribe's merchant, uncovering secrets on a trip to a neighboring village.
- Ongoing Updates: Chapter 1 is now available, with Chapter 2 actively under development.
- Patron Support: Become a patron to support the game's continued development and future updates.
Content Warning: The Arc contains themes of size difference, dominance, and depicts some blood and gore; it is not suitable for all audiences.
The Arc offers a visually rich and immersive experience, exploring the trials of a tiny elven community. Embark on this thrilling adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns. Support the developers and become part of the game's ongoing journey by becoming a patron.
Tags : Casual