Genshin Impact players eagerly awaiting the 5.4 update can currently exploit a surprising glitch to effortlessly defeat even the toughest bosses. The unexpected hero in this exploit? The Hydro Traveler, often considered a weak DPS character.
This surprisingly simple method (we're avoiding technical code specifics) involves the Hydro Traveler's Elemental Burst and the Xiao Lanterns collected during the Lantern Rite Festival. The trick? Positioning a significant number of Xiao Lanterns near a boss, activating the Elemental Burst, and watching the boss's health plummet dramatically.
The burst's AoE damage is amplified by interacting with the lanterns. With a hundred lanterns, damage easily reaches millions.
While this exploit is almost certainly slated for a nerf, it currently provides a remarkably easy way to conquer challenging boss fights.