Marvel Snap's Victoria Hand: Deck Strategies and Value Assessment
Despite the ongoing popularity of Pokémon TCG Pocket, Marvel Snap continues its steady release of new cards. This guide focuses on Victoria Hand, a recent addition, and explores optimal deck strategies and her overall value.
Victoria Hand's Mechanics
Victoria Hand is a 2-cost, 3-power card with the ongoing ability: "Your cards created in your hand have +2 Power." This straightforward ability functions similarly to Cerebro, but only for cards generated in your hand, not your deck. This is crucial, rendering her ineffective with cards like Arishem. Strong synergies exist with cards such as Maria Hill, Sentinel, Agent Coulson, and the new Iron Patriot. Early game, be mindful of Rogues and Enchantresses attempting to counter her effect; her 2-cost Ongoing nature allows for strategic late-game deployment.
Top Victoria Hand Decks
Victoria Hand's synergy with Iron Patriot (the season pass card) is undeniable. Many decks incorporating both cards are emerging, often reviving older archetypes.
Deck 1: Devil Dinosaur Revival
This deck utilizes the potent combination of Victoria Hand and Iron Patriot, potentially revitalizing Devil Dinosaur strategies. Key cards include: Maria Hill, Quinjet, Hydra Bob, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Iron Patriot, Sentinel, Victoria Hand, Mystique, Agent Coulson, Shang-Chi, Wiccan, and Devil Dinosaur. Hydra Bob can be substituted with a comparable 1-cost card like Nebula, but Kate Bishop and Wiccan are essential. With Victoria Hand's buff, generated Sentinels become incredibly powerful, especially when combined with Mystique's duplication effect. Wiccan provides a powerful late-game boost, maximizing potential. Devil Dinosaur offers a solid fallback strategy.
Deck 2: Arishem-centric Strategy
This deck integrates Victoria Hand into a popular, albeit controversial, Arishem deck. The card list includes: Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Sentinel, Valentina, Agent Coulson, Doom 2099, Galactus, Daughter of Galactus, Nick Fury, Legion, Doctor Doom, Alioth, Mockingbird, and Arishem. While Victoria Hand doesn't directly impact cards added from the deck (like Arishem's effect), she significantly buffs cards generated in hand by other cards within the deck, maintaining a strong board presence. This deck leverages random generation, keeping opponents guessing.
Victoria Hand: Worth the Investment?
Victoria Hand is a valuable addition for players enjoying hand-generation strategies, particularly when paired with Iron Patriot. Her powerful effect will likely see continued use in meta decks. However, she's not a game-changing, must-have card. Consider your resource allocation; upcoming cards may be less impactful, making Victoria Hand a potentially worthwhile investment.
Marvel Snap is currently available for play.