Home News Sky: CotL Style Event Returns!

Sky: CotL Style Event Returns!

by Julian Dec 11,2024

Sky: CotL Style Event Returns!

Sky: Children of the Light's popular Days of Style event returns! Running from September 30th to October 13th, 2024, this year's event boasts expanded creative expression opportunities.

Revamped Runway Experience

For a fortnight, players can visit the Style Guide Spirit in Home or Aviary Village. This Spirit will transport players to four brand-new runway locations, each with unique thematic elements. Don't worry about lacking the perfect outfit; temporary closets stocked with borrowable items are conveniently located near each runway.

Three exciting new cosmetic items are available, alongside the return of last year's favorites. Show off your complete look via the Shared Memory Shrine, allowing others to admire your style – a feature akin to Roblox's DTI.

[YouTube Video Embed: Replace with actual embed code for the first video]

Enhanced Event Currency and Rewards

This year's event currency system is improved. Players can collect up to five currency pieces daily: four from light orbs scattered across the runways and one from viewing other players' Shared Memories at the Shrine. Accumulate enough light to unlock exclusive items. With fresh runway locations, daily challenges, and ample outfit customization options, fashion mishaps are a thing of the past!

[YouTube Video Embed: Replace with actual embed code for the second video]

For detailed information, check out the videos above. Remember to update your game via the Google Play Store before September 30th to participate! Also, check out our other news piece on RuneScape's challenging Elidinis Gate boss.