Home News Roblox Type Soul Codes: January 2025 Update

Roblox Type Soul Codes: January 2025 Update

by Nova Mar 12,2025

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Dive into the thrilling world of Type Soul, a Roblox game inspired by the Bleach universe. Embark on an epic journey, choosing your destiny as a Quincy, Hollow, or Soul Reaper. Complete quests, conquer missions, and dominate PvP battles to unlock powerful abilities like Shikai and explore the diverse realms of Soul Society. This strategic RPG blends character progression with intense action for an unforgettable experience. Below, you'll find the latest codes to unlock amazing in-game rewards. Let's get started!

Updated January 14, 2025, by Artur Novichenko: This guide is your key to awesome rewards! Check back often, as we're constantly updating it with the newest freebies.

All Type Soul Codes

Working Type Soul Codes

  • whodathuh - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • 8by2typejole - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • mahoragathosewhoknow - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • whocareswhatthenameis - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • spendingthanksgivingontype - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • ohioframesperskibidi - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • wasitworthit - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • didntyousaynoupdtonight - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • reallycoolcodehaha - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • yessirupdatetime - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • mythoughtsonthislater - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • miniupdatewowawesome - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • no1amupdate - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • flowerfinally - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • 700kwoahthanks - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • gutteddodgevariantgobrrr - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • ezcodeforconsole - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • quickcodeforcodesocodeyescodehowcodewithcode - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • whenwedance - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • wheresmybuddy - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • yessirupdatetime - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • whatwillyoudoaboutthesecondone - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • reallycoolcodehaha - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • oopswandenexploded - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • youcanrollraresnow - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • noreallythanksfor500m - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • 500mvisitsthankyou - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • letsget500mmore - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • thosewhoknowmango - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • ohsnapwaitsnapignis - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • secretcodethatgives1000rerolls - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • anotherbrickedshutdown - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • sozforbrick - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswellAGAINTWICE - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • newrankedrewards3 - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • nosrepphakudarework - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • amaonetwothreefour - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • avaricecascade - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • guesswhosback - Redeem this code for rewards.

Expired Type Soul Codes

  • sozformobile - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamapackageone - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • newrankedrewards2 - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • royalisverycool - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • wednesdaypatchesmoreplz - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • newrankedrewards - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ddanielisevil - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • lateupdatesareannoying - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • pointsplease - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryforbank - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamataisentwo - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamasuigetsu - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • pointsplease - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • lateupdatesareannoying - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • stefan10kfollowers - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • rankedplswork - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorrybugs - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • imsorry - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • yippeweekly - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • visionaryrework - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 1kcristi - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • teleportswentdown - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • anextracode - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • mre10kfollowers - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • bloopyhere - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cowoesorry - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • meditation - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • vultures - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryfortheshutdowns - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • helpeduardosmentalsanity - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • itstypesoulfriday - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • apologycode - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • wereached400mvisits - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • angrycanadian - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • veil10k - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamayaren - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • streamericdoa - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • happyfortuneentvariblessing - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • higuys - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • explodeincident - Redeem this code for a Locked Clan Reroll and Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ;)
- Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamastrikesagain - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • oops - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cctokenfix - Redeem this code for a Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll and a Locked Clan Reroll
  • mreessay - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • qkidoexpansion - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamacodesareback - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 200klikeswoah - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • myrobloxneedstostopcrashing - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 350mvisitsalright - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • idontdotheseoften - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • bararaqgbincident - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • reallycooloriginalcodename - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • newbosseswow - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cristi10k - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • JEANETTEFOUND - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • doomaroomeneverexisted - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • blazblueincident - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryhopethishelps - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • whereiskendoweapondude - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • latenightbruh - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • latenightfightnight - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • cristiqol - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 300mvisits - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • whatdoesheevendo - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tama62121 - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuovarandomcode - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • entvari10k - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • windwake - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamarandomcode - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • timetravellermistake - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thisisnotsigma - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • causethatstheupdateineed - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ermwhatthetypesoul - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • yurrrrlistenman - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thereisnosuchthing - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tweakinpostupdate - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • hellopiety - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • abracadabra - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • hqrsepowered - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • arrogantecristi5k - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 2weekdelaywoah - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • putthesefoolishambitionstorest - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • imnotnamingitthat - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 500kdiscmemberswoo - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • 7staredwardnewgate - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • AllAccordingToCake - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • canyougiftmeacinmightyomega - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ineedasacredscrollindemonhuntertm - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • petgod101 - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • code1 - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamaverified - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • Benihimebuff - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • almightyeye - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • breathlesspumpkle - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • tsugokusenku - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • somethingrandom - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • canyouwrap - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • mobileflashpd - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • johnboomingg - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • avengerlevelthreat - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • threatneutralized - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • robloxban - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • drakos10k - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuova10k - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • devilgene - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • badquincy - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sundayupdate - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • awesomesauce - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorry4ranked3 - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • quickshutdown - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • woahreal - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • rankedmidseason - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • ohwowcool - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • delayedwhoops - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • bloodedged - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuovalovesquincy - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • quincyktillmybonesdecay - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • happyeaster - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • spiritgun - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • doomatearoom - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • eduardobrg - Redeem this code for rewards. (Requires a certain rank)
  • haveagoodday - Redeem this code for Rerolls.
  • slowpace - Redeem this code for 3 Element Rerolls.
  • thehonoredone - Redeem this code for 3 Weapon Rerolls.
  • triplethreat - Redeem this code for 3 Element Reroll.
  • apologyforlate - Redeem this code for 3 Weapon Rerolls.
  • middayfixes - Redeem this code for 1 Locked Element Reroll and 1 Locked Weapon Reroll.
  • 100kfavourites - Redeem this code for 1 Shikai Reroll.
  • segundanextupdate - Redeem this code for 2 Locked Weapon Rerolls and 2 Locked Shikai/Res/Volt Rerolls.
  • 3shikaireroll - Redeem this code for 1 Shikai Reroll.
  • shutdownsrry - Redeem this code for 1 Elemental Reroll.
  • 55klikes - Redeem this code for a Blue Pill.
  • tyforfollows - Redeem this code for a Shikai/Res/Volt Reroll.
  • 35klikes - Redeem this code for a Blue Pill.
  • 20klikes - Redeem this code for a Locked Weapon Reroll.
  • 10klikes - Redeem this code for a Blue Pill.
  • sorryforshutdown - Redeem this code for a Soul Ticket.
  • How to Redeem Codes for Type Soul

    Redeeming codes in Type Soul is a snap! Here's how:

    1. Launch Type Soul and press Play. New players will need to choose a gender and create a name.
    2. Once in the game, locate the semi-transparent red gift button in the top-left corner.
    3. Click the button to open the code redemption menu.
    4. Enter your code in the "Enter Code Here" field and press Enter.

    Remember: Each code can only be used once per account.

    How to Play Type Soul

    Type Soul might seem complex at first, but getting started is easy. As a Lost Soul, you'll choose your path: Hollow, Quincy, or Soul Reaper. Here's how to begin:

    Becoming a Hollow: Press Ctrl + K. Skip this if you want a different path.

    Becoming a Quincy:

    • Find the Wanda gate (coordinates approximately xx:10 and xx:40). It has blue and white sides.
    • The gate opens for 10 minutes at specific times.
    • Enter and follow the path to find a statue NPC.
    • Interact with the NPC to become a Quincy.

    Becoming a Soul Reaper:

    • Ask a Soul Reaper player to purify you.
    • Look out for the Shinigami Quest for an alternative path.

    The Best Roblox Anime Games Like Type Soul

    Looking for more anime action? Check out these top Roblox games:

    • Anime Adventures
    • Anime Souls Simulator
    • Anime Power Tycoon
    • Project Mugetsu
    • Titan Warfare

    About the Type Soul Developers

    Type Soul is brought to you by a talented team:

    • K1LLUAA
    • vvithdraw
    • Khaotxc
    • 4Data
    • drakoooos
    • cartier361

    This is their first collaborative game, and it's already a massive hit with over one hundred thousand likes and one hundred and fifty million visits!

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