Home News Pokemon Pocket: The Best Mew ex Deck Build

Pokemon Pocket: The Best Mew ex Deck Build

by Liam Mar 18,2025

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The release of Mew ex in Pokémon Pocket has injected fresh dynamism into the game's meta. While Pikachu and Mewtwo remain dominant forces in PvP, Mew ex offers a compelling counter and synergistic potential, particularly within evolving Mewtwo ex decks. Its full impact remains to be seen, given its recent introduction, but its influence is already being felt.

For those looking to integrate Mew ex into their strategies, a powerful combination has emerged: a Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir team.

Mew ex Card Overview

  • HP: 130
  • Attack (Psyshot): 20 damage, requiring one Psychic-Type Energy.
  • Attack (Genome Hacking): Copies one attack from your opponent's Active Pokémon. Works with all Energy types.
  • Weakness: Dark-Type

Mew ex, a 130 HP Basic Pokémon, boasts the game-changing ability to replicate your opponent's Active Pokémon's attack. This makes it a potent counter and versatile tech card, capable of even one-shotting meta-defining Pokémon like Mewtwo ex. The versatility extends to its energy requirements; Genome Hacking's compatibility with all energy types transcends typical Psychic-type deck limitations, making it a valuable addition to diverse lineups.

Synergistic potential is further enhanced by the Budding Expeditioner Supporter card. Functioning as a sort of "Koga" for Mew ex, Budding Expeditioner retrieves it from the Active Spot and heals it, effectively providing a free Retreat. Coupled with cards like Misty or Gardevoir to address energy management, this combination creates a formidable and adaptable counter strategy.

The Best Deck for Mew ex

Currently, Mew ex thrives in a refined Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir deck. This strategy leverages the synergy between Mew ex and the Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir evolution line. The "refined" aspect comes from strategic Trainer card inclusion, specifically Mythical Slab and Budding Expeditioners—key additions from the Mythical Island mini-set. Here's a sample decklist:

CardQuantityMew ex2Ralts2Kirlia2Gardevoir2Mewtwo ex2Budding Expeditioner1Poké Ball2Professor's Research2Mythical Slab2X Speed1Sabrina2

Mew ex Deck Synergies:

  • Mew ex's tanking capabilities: It can absorb damage and eliminate enemy ex Pokémon.
  • Budding Expeditioner's Retreat support: Facilitates Mew ex's retreat when Mewtwo ex is primed for attack.
  • Mythical Slab's draw power: Boosts the consistency of Psychic-type card draws.
  • Gardevoir's energy provision: Accelerates energy accumulation for both Mew ex and Mewtwo ex. (Ralts and Kirlia form its evolution line.)
  • Mewtwo ex as primary DPS: Built up on the bench for powerful attacks once ready.

How to Play Mew ex Effectively

Key considerations for maximizing Mew ex's effectiveness:

  1. Prioritize flexibility: Be prepared to switch Mew ex frequently. Early game, it can absorb damage while your main attacker develops. However, adapt your strategy if card draws are unfavorable.

  2. Avoid conditional attacks: Ensure you meet the conditions of an enemy ex Pokémon's attack before copying it with Mew ex. For example, Pikachu ex's attack benefits from benched Lightning-type Pokémon; copying this with a Psychic-type Mew ex deck would be ineffective.

  3. Utilize Mew ex as a tech card: Building a deck solely around Mew ex's damage output is unreliable. Instead, use it as a resilient tech card to eliminate high-damage threats strategically. Sometimes, its 130 HP alone provides sufficient value.

How to Counter Mew ex

Currently, Pokémon with conditional attacks are the most effective counter to Mew ex. For example, Pikachu ex's Circle Circuit attack requires Lightning-type Pokémon on the bench, rendering it ineffective when copied by a Mew ex lacking these requirements.

Another strategy involves using a tanky Pokémon with minimal damage as the Active Pokémon. This denies Mew ex a valuable attack to copy. Nidoqueen, another conditional attacker, presents a similar challenge.

Mew ex Deck Review

Mew ex is steadily shaping the Pokémon Pocket meta. Expect to see more decks built around its mirroring archetype in competitive play. While a Mew ex-centric deck might not be optimal, its inclusion in established Psychic-type decks provides a significant competitive advantage.

In conclusion, Mew ex is a valuable addition to any competitive Pokémon Pocket player's arsenal. Experimentation is highly encouraged, and preparedness for its unique abilities is essential for success.