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The Minecraft Campfire, introduced in version 1.14, is a versatile block. While often used decoratively, it offers surprising functionality: mob and player damage, smoke signaling, cooking, and even bee calming. This guide details methods for extinguishing a Campfire, maximizing its potential and impressing fellow players.
How To Extinguish a Campfire in Minecraft
Three methods exist for extinguishing Campfires:
- Water Bucket: Waterlogging effectively douses the flames. Simply use a water bucket on the Campfire block.
- Splash Water Potion: Throwing a Splash Water Potion onto the Campfire will extinguish it. Note that this requires gunpowder and glass, making it a more resource-intensive method early in the game.
- Shovel: The most economical and often overlooked method involves using any shovel (even a wooden one). Right-click (or use the left trigger on consoles) the Campfire with the shovel to extinguish it.
How To Obtain a Campfire in Minecraft
Knowing how to extinguish a Campfire is only half the battle; here's how to acquire one:
- Natural Generation: Campfires naturally spawn in Taiga and Snowy Taiga villages, and within Ancient City camps. Remember, harvesting a pre-placed Campfire requires a Silk Touch enchanted tool; otherwise, you'll only receive two coal (Java Edition) or four coal (Bedrock Edition).
- Crafting: A straightforward crafting recipe uses sticks, wood, and either charcoal or soul sand. The latter ingredient determines whether you create a regular Campfire or a Soul Fire.
- Trading: Apprentice fishermen will trade Campfires for emeralds; the cost is five emeralds (Bedrock Edition) or two emeralds (Java Edition).