Home News Conquering the Skies in Minecraft: Everything About Elytra

Conquering the Skies in Minecraft: Everything About Elytra

by Stella Mar 06,2025

Mastering Minecraft's Elytra: A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining, Using, and Repairing

Minecraft offers diverse travel methods, but the Elytra stands alone, granting players the ability to glide through the air. This rare item opens up a new dimension of exploration, allowing for rapid long-distance travel and impressive aerial maneuvers. This guide covers acquiring Elytra in all game modes, along with usage, repair, and upgrade techniques.

Elytra in MinecraftImage: ensigame.com

Naturally, Elytra are found only in the End after defeating the Ender Dragon, located within ships near End Cities. However, alternative acquisition methods exist for different game modes.

Obtaining Elytra in Minecraft Survival Mode

Pre-Battle Preparations:

Thorough preparation is crucial. Essential items include diamond or netherite armor (ideally enchanted for enhanced protection), an enchanted sword and bow (consider Infinity or Power enchantments for the bow), ample arrows or a crossbow with fireworks, regeneration, strength, and slow-falling potions, plentiful food (golden apples are ideal), and blocks for reaching End Crystals. A carved pumpkin is recommended to avoid Enderman aggression.

pumpkin on head minecraft characterImage: gamebanana.com

Activating the End Portal:

Twelve Eyes of Ender are needed to activate the End portal and locate the Stronghold. Crafting an Eye of Ender requires Blaze Powder (from Blaze Rods dropped by Blazes in Nether Fortresses) and Ender Pearls (dropped by Endermen).

craft Eye of EnderImage: ensigame.com

Locating the Stronghold:

Use Eyes of Ender to pinpoint the Stronghold's location. Navigate the Stronghold's labyrinth, locate the portal room, and place Eyes of Ender in the frame. Enter the portal to begin the dragon battle.

end portalImage: peminecraft.com

Defeating the Ender Dragon:

Destroy the End Crystals first, then engage the dragon. A bow is effective at range, while a sword works up close. After defeating the dragon, a portal to the End Gateway appears. Throw an Ender Pearl to teleport to the End islands. Locate End City ships; Elytra are found within. Beware of Shulkers guarding the ships.

ender dragonImage: peminecraft.com

Inside the Ship:

Break the Item Frame holding the Elytra and collect any other rewards from chests.

Item FrameImage: reddit.com

Creative Mode Acquisition:

In Creative Mode, access your inventory (press "E"), search for "Elytra," and drag it into your inventory.

Elytra in Creative ModeImage: ensigame.com

Command-Line Acquisition:

With cheats enabled, use the command /give @s minecraft:elytra in the chat.

Using and Upgrading Elytra

Equip the Elytra in the chest armor slot. Jump from a height, and press Space to glide.

Fly with ElytraImage: ensigame.com

Flight Controls: W (forward), A (left), S (descend/slow), D (right).

Fireworks Boost: Craft fireworks (paper and gunpowder) and use them to accelerate flight.

craft fireworksImage: ensigame.com

Repair and Upgrades:

Use an Anvil to repair Elytra with leather. Apply the Mending enchantment (found in enchanted books) to automatically repair using experience points. The Unbreaking enchantment increases durability.

Upgrade ElytraImage: ensigame.com

Repair ElytraImage: ensigame.com

Fly with ElytraImage: ensigame.com

Mastering Elytra flight takes practice, but the rewards—swift travel and aerial exploration—are well worth the effort. Prepare thoroughly, and take to the skies!