This Chicken Got Hands: A Feathered Frenzy of Farm-Based Fury!
This game lives up to its hilariously absurd title. Players control a chicken, driven to a rampage after its eggs are stolen. The objective? Wreak havoc on the farmer's property! Think Squirrel With a Gun meets Goat Simulator, but with a clucking twist.
The game features a visually appealing 3D-rendered farm environment. You'll race against the clock, upgrading your chicken's abilities and unleashing a flurry of feathered fury. While the graphics might be a bit stylized (the depth of field is noticeable), the gameplay looks fast-paced and fun.
A Shocking Price Range?
One surprising aspect is the in-app purchase system. The price range, from a modest £0.99 to a staggering £38.99, is unusually wide. The exact nature of these purchases remains unclear, raising questions about the game's hidden monetization strategies.
Despite this, the core gameplay loop appears engaging. For more game reviews, check out our recent coverage of Kardboard Kings, a card shop simulator offering a blend of fun and shortcomings.