Home Apps Tools Fast Vpn Go
Fast Vpn Go

Fast Vpn Go

  • Platform:Android
  • Version:2.5.6
  • Size:19.18M
  • Developer:LEE KENG HONG

Fast Vpn Go: Your Gateway to a Free and Secure Internet Experience

Fast Vpn Go is the ultimate solution for Android users seeking a free and reliable VPN service. With its 100% free proxy and unlimited bandwidth, you can enjoy blazing-fast speeds and seamless browsing, streaming, and gaming experiences. Accessing geo-restricted content like Netflix, YouTube, and BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the world becomes effortless.

Stay Secure and Private:

Fast Vpn Go prioritizes your online security and privacy. Its advanced encryption protocols safeguard your data, while the strict no-log policy ensures your browsing history remains confidential. Connect to public Wi-Fi hotspots with confidence, knowing your IP address and location are hidden, protecting you from potential threats.

Effortless Connectivity:

Enjoy the convenience of a simple one-tap connection, making it easy to connect to a VPN server and start enjoying the benefits of a secure and private internet experience.

Features of Fast Vpn Go:

  • 100% Free VPN: Fast Vpn Go is a completely free VPN app for Android, offering unlimited bandwidth usage.
  • Super Fast Speed: Experience high VPN speed for seamless browsing, streaming, and gaming.
  • Worldwide Server Coverage: Access stable and fast VPN servers across the globe, ensuring reliable connections wherever you are.
  • Access Blocked Content: Bypass regional restrictions and access popular streaming platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and BBC iPlayer.
  • Protect Your Privacy: Hide your IP address and location, ensuring your online activities remain anonymous and secure.
  • Easy to Use: Connect to a VPN quickly and effortlessly with a simple one-tap feature.


Fast Vpn Go offers a comprehensive and user-friendly VPN solution, empowering you to enjoy a free, secure, and private internet experience. With worldwide server coverage, access blocked content from anywhere in the world. Stay secure while connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots and protect your privacy with high-level encryption protocols and a strict no-log policy. Download Fast Vpn Go today and unlock the full potential of the internet!

Tags : Tools

Fast Vpn Go Screenshots
  • Fast Vpn Go Screenshot 0
  • Fast Vpn Go Screenshot 1
  • Fast Vpn Go Screenshot 2
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