Embark on a heartwarming adventure in Animal Rescue: Pet Shop Story! Become the ultimate animal hero by rescuing abandoned pets and managing your very own thriving pet shop. Care for a diverse range of adorable animals, from cuddly cats and dogs to charming farm animals like pigs and bunnies. Your days will be filled with exciting quests to locate lost animals and provide them with a safe and loving home.
Upgrade your shop to attract more furry friends, solve intriguing clues to find lost puppies, and prove your skills as the top pet shop manager. Keep your animal companions happy and healthy, and prepare for any challenges that come your way. Coming soon: a magical pet shop expansion featuring fantastical creatures!
Key Features:
- Rescue abandoned animals and bring them to your pet shop.
- Care for a wide variety of cute pets: cats, dogs, farm animals, and more!
- Solve captivating clues to discover lost animals.
- Upgrade your shop with hundreds of improvements and expansions.
- Become the best pet shop manager by providing excellent care for your pets.
- Soon to come: A Magical Pet Shop with mythical creatures like unicorns and dragons!
Animal Rescue: Pet Shop Story is a captivating and fun management game that lets you be a hero to animals in need. With adorable pets to care for, challenging levels to conquer, and exciting shop upgrades, this game provides a wonderful experience for animal lovers of all ages. Download now and start making a difference in the lives of adorable animals!
Tags : Puzzle